Engagement CUlture

Engagement Culture is the shared underlying assumption that the best way to motivate is by increasing satisfaction and decreasing dissatisfaction—not by coercion into compliance. Engagement culture explains academic growth on high-poverty campuses and applies to everyone on campus.

PoLicy makers

Policy Implications

The finding that engagement culture is linked to growth on high-poverty campuses justifies a shift from coercive, dissatisfying school environments to intrinsically motivating, satisfying ones. 

Policy Recommendations

All levels should prioritize Engagement Culture over accountability culture.

Classroom Level

Campus Level

District Level

State & Federal Levels


Research Priority One

Study non-academic outcomes. Non-academic dependent variables related to engagement culture might include school shootings, suicide rates, reports of bullying, and teacher turnover.

Research Priority Two

Research Priority 2: Case studies and phenomenological analyses could provide context and actionable steps for implementing and strengthening engagement culture.


The Engagement Culture GitHub Repository has resources for your own engagement culture study.

If you are interested in a collaboration or just need more information, please reach out.